Caught in the throws

 Lord Jesus,

            Can we have a word for a moment?

         We weren’t there the day all of heaven fell silent. On that day the angels stood in horror as the Light of the World was cloaked in darkness. If the rocks could cry out in praise, surely the whole earth mourned when sin led You into a cold dark tomb.

How could the Son of Man be subject to such evil? How could the One who deserves the highest praise be brought to such desolation? Heaven’s Prince willingly forfeited His glory to ransom a lost and fallen world. Three silent days and then…

            God’s hand moved. The earth reeled with shockwaves as the wind of the Spirit blew into Your lungs. The mountains trembled and the heavens peeled thunderous roars at Your resurrection. You emerged from the depths of darkness. With the battle at Your back, death was dealt its final blow. Evil was dismantled in the wake of Your victory. Truly it was finished!

            With Your earthly mission fully satisfied You returned to the glory of Your kingdom where Your name is rightly praised ~ Your fame no longer insulted by corruption.

With the perfect will of the Father complete, You sent the Glorious Helper to guide and protect us. In His wings He carries the wind of salvation. From the four corners of the earth He casts His net and gathers open hearts. He loosens the shackles and sets the captive free.

            We have been caught in the throws of the greatest victory of all time! Could there ever be a thank you grand enough for You?

It is because of You Jesus that we can proclaim we will not be derailed by pain or an unforgiving heart. With childlike faith and unwavering love we will impart light on a world veiled in darkness. We will bestow upon others what You have bestowed upon us. A spoken word and power will be released. A simple touch and the sick will be healed. An uttered prayer and blessings will fall like rain.

Until time reaches its fullness we will serve You, Lord. This is our covenant to You. We will rise as Your anointed children, so rich, so blessed, and so deeply loved by Abba Father. We will run this race lighthearted with grateful hearts beating in our chests. We will pursue the finish line with perseverance and tenacity. And as we run this race, we will celebrate the freedom You bought for us.

Is this not the very least we can for our King?