Before we begin…

I was born in 1964. When I look back at the first decade of my life, most of my memories are random snapshots with many blank spaces in between. The pictures in my head are vague glimpses of unfinished stories. If it weren’t for the knowledge I received from my older family members, my youngest memories would remain a mystery. The mid to late 70’s, however, tell me a different story…

I have a crisp remembrance of that time period. It was then that I morphed from a child to a teenager. It was then that my most treasured memories were born.

Oddly enough the 70’s are well within arm’s reach of the 21st century on life’s timeline. Yet things have changed dramatically, haven’t they? My memories take me to a place that was so very different than our modern world.

My youthful experiences were organic in nature. I was very much in touch with the world around me.

In stark contrast to my teen experience, the 21st century teen primarily lives in an electronic world comprised of the innovations of technology. Much of their experiences are fabricated. Technology has given day-to-day living a whole new face, a whole new agenda, and unfortunately for many parents, a whole new set of complications. Parents certainly had issues when I was young, but today many of the modern advances have created mainstream issues that were non-existent years ago. Add the “chill” of our culture to this mix, and it is no wonder many parents dread adolescence.

Parenting in the 21st century is best handled with a proactive approach. Having a reactive mindset can be risky since the options of our modern world can present serious consequences for our teens.

Just as every good chess player knows the importance of staying two steps ahead of an opponent to leverage success, parents are empowered exponentially if they are two steps ahead of their teenager’s growth stages. Surely there is great wisdom in being prepared in advance for potential problems rather than sitting and waiting for issues to arise.

This book is designed to help create not only a proactive mindset, but it is also designed to empower parents with concepts and ideas that promote a healthy lifestyle for teens.

If, however, you have picked this book up because you have a troubled teen, don’t worry. It is never too late to bring healthy changes to your family. When you make a decision to partner with God to get your kids back on track, the sky is the limit.

It is my prayer that through the Holy Spirit’s guidance you will receive clear answers that help navigate your teenager back to peaceful waters. Regardless of why you picked up this book, I have great news!

           God has given parents EMPOWERMENT

                     through TIMELESS truths in His Word

                                 that can be applied to EVERY

                                        imaginable circumstance

                                                 to raise children with  


As we take this journey together, may the eluding gray tones of teenage issues fall away and leave only the concrete black and white answers to parenting as outlined in God’s Word.

May God heartily enrich your relationship with your child on this journey.


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